Travel Subsidy for Scottish Schools
The Scottish Government’s heritage education travel subsidy is offered to schools throughout Scotland to encourage visits to heritage sites of national importance in support of Curriculum for Excellence and outdoor learning. This includes New Lanark World Heritage Site.
What is the Travel Subsidy for?
It provides financial assistance with transport costs between your school and New Lanark for either teacher-led visits or for groups taking part in activities in the guided education programme. The subsidy is available all year round.
Who can apply?
Any Scottish school can apply, but funding is limited and not guaranteed. Applications should meet the following criteria:
The visit must be for a genuine educational purpose and booked in advance.
Applications should be made prior to the visit and all claims must be made within one month of the date of visiting.
Priority will be given to schools in areas with high indicators of multiple deprivation in accordance with the Scottish Government’s Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.
How much funding is available?
The subsidy covers 75% of transportation costs, up to a maximum of £250.
How to apply
Make a provisional booking by contacting our Booking Team.
Obtain a quote from your bus company for the travel costs.
Download and print the Travel Subsidy Application Form here.*
Complete the form and return it directly to Historic Environment Scotland who administer the scheme.
Send your completed form to Historic Environment Scotland by fax to: 0131 652 8151 or by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to: Susanne Simpson, Historic Environment Scotland, Learning Services, Holyrood Park Education Centre, 1 Queen's Park Drive, Edinburgh EH8 8HG
Note: Please do not send your completed application forms to New Lanark.
Send them directly to Historic Environment Scotland as advised.
Receiving the subsidy
After your visit, send a copy of the bus company invoice by email, by post or by fax to Historic Environment Scotland using the contact details above. 75% of the total cost up to a maximum of £250 will be reimbursed to the school within 30 days.
Please note payments cannot be reimbursed until after your visit and upon receipt of a valid invoice.
If you have any queries please contact Historic Environment Scotland Learning Services on 0131 652 8154 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.